I may be the one of the biggest fans of BBC's Sherlock so naturally I have been greatly anticipating Season 3 that premiered in the US on Sunday. I thought it would be a great idea to have my friends who I have proudly turned into Sherlockians over to catch the first episode. The party was a huge success!

I transformed my door into the infamous Sherlock and John residence. To also include from Season 2 Episode 1 the "Crime in Progress, Please Disturb" note. I just painted wood numbers and letters and tied them to my door. Easy Peasy...
I had a hard time finding anything that was British in nature or anything to do with Sherlock so I found some Union Jack Duct tape (who knew?) and some London related Scrapbook stickers. I tried to be creative and made this picture with a quote from Moriarty. I think this is quite cute :)
The Calendar is always there...I just added the poster I got for Christmas.
The mantel piece in the dinning room. With the quote from above, tea cup candles, the Complete Sherlock Holmes stories, and I framed the extra invite postcard which says "Keep Calm and Text Sherlock"...very clever I think!
I got a little ahead of myself and took a picture of the incomplete tea station.
#SherlockLives Cups because I have too much time on my hands....
Again, I love quotes....
The most important part! The Food!!!! We had quite the spread. I made scones with jam and cream (and to jazz them up just a little I put English scrap booking stickers on toothpicks to put on top), Cucumber vegan tea sandwiches, a Trifle, and a friend made English Stuffing Balls (which were amazing. So amazing you should make them yourselves, click here for the recipe!) and Madelines.
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