Friday, May 31, 2013

Feminism: why you SHOULD be a fan

While I was wasting my life away scrolling through endless pins on pinterest, I saw a picture of a lady holding a sign saying why she needs feminism.  Under the picture was a description that started off with" I'm not a fan of feminism, but..."

Dear not fan of feminism, are you fucking crazy?

Why wouldn't you be a fan of it?

Do you enjoy having the right to vote? Having rights over your own body? The ability to have a life in politics and outside the home, go to college, and do you want people to believe the crazy notion that you are not just a baby factory but a REAL person?

Feminism is your friend, kids. I promise.

Contrary to popular belief, we are NOT a bunch of men hating, lesbians fascists. I love men but I love me more.  I care deeply about the progress that women have made to become equal in society and the progress we continue to make. 

We haven't always had these rights that we have today like owning property or getting custody of our children.  When you get a divorce you can thank those "dirty, awful, unnecessary" feminists.

I could certainly go on about this but hopefully you get the idea that you need feminism.  Both women and men need it.  We need a society of women who aren't treated like objects and can think freely and are praised for it instead of scrutinized.

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