Thursday, April 11, 2013

I wish...

I wish I could get paid for things that I'm exceptionally good at.  I mean I cook now for a living and I'm pretty good at that but there are a few other things that I would like to be paid for as well, such as...

  • Dancing- I know I could be paid for this but I don't have any training and I'm not about to be a stripper (no offense, strippers...get it!).  Do clubs hirer ravers? I'd be super good at that, you know just jumping around.
  • Groupie- When I love a band, I mean I really LOVE a band.  If I could be paid to hangout with them, that'd be pretty stellar. *cough*RAMMSTEIN*cough*
  • Life Coach- Apparently I give out super good advice, am generally the happiest person ever and have quite some style.  I need to capitalize on this and start charging people for all my expertise.
  • Being Martha Stewart's Prodigy-  My coworkers do not call me Martha for nothing.  I am basically the non-fellon version of her and I'm slightly nicer and not so dull.   I've got mad skills when it comes to cooking, baking and crafting.
  • Drinking Coffee- I don't need to explain this...
  • Walking- I could walk and walk and walk for hours to nowhere.
  • Being sarcastic- nowadays, I just can't help myself...while sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin, I am so fluent in it that I don't know if I'm being serious or not
  • Being Calm- This is a true challenge and I believe for every person I don't slap for being stupid, I should receive an extra check from the government.
  • Being Awesome- I'd kill it 
  • Pining things on Pinterest- I am the pining queen of the universe.  Just going to the page instantly improves my life. Hence why I encourage everyone to join!!!
  • Singing loudly in my car- everywhere I travel to is basically a concert and yes, I sound just like whoever I am listening to at the moment.  I nail it every time.

What are you super good at?

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